Contact details

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The Account system user provides you with the details of your own profile. You are able to edit your cellphone number and email address here provided you have permission to do so.

  • Click on the Account profile
  • Select My space
  • Click on Contact details
  • Click on the pencil icon on the left of your name to edit your cellphone number or email address.

The below information is what you will be able to view 

  • Title: Your title 
  • First name: Your first name
  • Surname: Your surname or last name
  • Initials: Your first letter of your first name and or if you have more than one names
  • Identity number: Your Identity number
  • Is this an ID number: Your SA identity number or Passport number
  • Telephone number: Your landline number 
  • Cell number: Your cellphone number (This can be edited)
  • Email: Your email address (This can be edited)
  • Job description: Your users job description
  • OTP via email: This option would be ticked if you are an authoriser for the payments facility and you receive your OTP via email. 
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