Debit Orders

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The Debit Orders profile displays fees and important information relating to your Debit Orders.


Select Account profile> Service profiles> Debit Orders.


The information that you will be able to view and edit depends on your permission level:


  • Service active: If your Debit Order service is active the box will be ticked. If not and you would like to activate this service, please contact your Account Manager or:

    1. Access the Account Profile menu in the top menu bar.

    2. Click the left side menu bar and click on “My space”.

    3. Click on the Debit Order service icon, you will be emailed your digital signature token to insert and sign the new service agreement.

  • Settlement Type: Displays the type of settlement method associated with your service and will be either Retention or Settlement. The settlement type influences when funds are available and when retentions are released.

  • Line limit: Maximum Rand value per debit

  • Daily limit: Maximum Rand value per day. Contact your Account Support for an increase or decrease in your limits.

  • Security retention: The percentage of security retention being retained per batch.

  • Security retention period: The number of days the security retention will be retained for.

  • Bank statement reference: Your abbreviated name that reflects on your client’s bank statement.

  • Days to settlement: This will reflect two (2) days if you are on a delayed settlement type.

  • Number of authorisers: Displays the number of authorisers required to authorise a Debit Order batch. Contact your Account Support if you would like to increase or decrease the number of authorisers.

  • Unpaid retention period: The number of days the unpaid retention will be retained, based on an average of six months unpaid percentage.

  • FSCA registered:  If you are registered with the FSCA and have an active license this will be set to True.

  • FSCA number: Your registered FSCA number if applicable.

  • FSCA long-term: This is set to True if you are selling long-term policies.

  • Requires IGF: This is a regulation that protects the intermediary from being terminated by the insurer, this would normally reflect False.

  • Allow DO to card: If set to True this will allow for debit orders to be processed on credit cards, this may be deactivated.

  • Allow DebiCheck: If set to True this will allow you to process DebiCheck batches, if set to False and you would like to active DebiCheck please contact your Account Support.

  • Reject consecutive unpaids: If set to true, the automated process allows for consecutive unpaids to be rejected before processing.

  • Allow RMS: is this not the same as Allow registered mandate service?

  • Allow debit order credit card refund: If set to True you can refund the credit card debit. Transaction If set to Fale a request to refund may be submitted.

  • Lock batch enabled for Debit Order batches: If set to True, you can lock your batch after it has been created preventing any further editing to the batch. If set to False the Lock button will not be available on the Manage Debit batch screen, this can be changed by users who can manage permissions.

  • Lock batch enabled for DebiCheck batches: If set to True, you can lock your batch after it has been created preventing any further editing to the batch. If set to False the Lock button will not be available on the Manage DebiCheck batch screen, this can be changed by users who can manage permissions.



Service fees:

Fees that you are billed per transaction (excluding VAT):


  • Debit order module fee.

  • Two-day debit order.

  • Same-day debit order.

  • Credit card processing.

  • Credit card commission.

  • Unpaid debit order.

  • Re-direct.

  • Electronic mandate fee.

  • Credit card debit order fee.

  • Rejected debit order.

  • Credit card interchange fee.

  • DC Mandate TT1 Successful.

  • DC Mandate TT1 Unsuccessful.

  • DC Mandate TT2 Successful.

  • DC Mandate TT2 Unsuccessful.

  • DC Mandate Cancellation.

  • DC Debit order Successful.

  • DC Debit order Unsuccessful.

  • DC Debit order Tracking.

  • DC Debit order Tracking recall.

  • DC Debit order Dispute.

  • DC Debit order Stop payment.

  • DC Registered Mandate Service.

  • American Express debit order commission.

  • Diners Club debit order commission.

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Debit Orders

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