Service profile

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  • Select Services.
  • Click on Debit orders from the dropdown menu.
  • Click on Service profile > Groups.

Debit orders can be run any day of the week except Sundays or public holidays. To help sort clients when the batch is set up, it is useful to place clients into different groups. E.g. Place clients in group 25 should their debit date be the 25th of the month. This does not mean that they can only run on the 25th, it simply makes it easier to select out of the Masterfile only those who are in group 25.

The most common groups used are:

  • Processing date
  • Service type
  • Product Type
  • Frequency – weekly, monthly, annually
  • Division / region – KZN, Gauteng etc

Creating groups

  • Select Services.
  • Click on Debit orders from the dropdown menu.
  • Click on Service profile > Groups.
  • Click on the Add account group button.
  • Insert the name of your group and submit.
  • Your group will now appear in the Group list.

Managing clients in groups

  • Select Services.
  • Select Debit orders from the dropdown menu.
  • Click on Service profile > Groups.
  • Click on the Manage account groups button.

Account grouping

  • Groups: you can add employees in groups according to your payment needs such as specific payment dates,
  • Edit: You can edit the group or employees in the group
  • Change History: Click on the View change history tab to view changes to the grouping for this employee (added, removed, or amended)
  • Delete: delete a group, if any clients are linked to the group that is being deleted, you will be notified to link them to a new group.


Sections control which containers will be displayed when working with Masterfiles. If you do not use a particular section, you can make it inactive and therefore it will not display in the Masterfile capture screen.

  • Select Services.
  • Click on Debit orders from the dropdown menu.
  • Click on Service profile > Sections.
  • You are now presented with sections in the Masterfile
    that you have the ability to make active or inactive. These
    • Contact details
    • Additional details
    • Account notes
  • By clicking on the Pencil to the left of the group you are
    able to select active/inactive and Submit.
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Service profile

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