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Validate bank account

Validating bank account numbers checks whether an account is valid for a particular bank. The service does not determine whether the account is open or closed or exists. Please select Account Number Tips from the Tools menu for detailed information on branch codes and account number tips.

  • Select Services
  • Click on Account from the dropdown menu
  • Click on Tools > Validate bank account
  • Complete the required fields and click Submit
  • Results of the validation are then displayed

Validate ID number

Only South African ID numbers are validated which are 13 numeric characters.

  • Select Services
  • Click on Account from the dropdown menu
  • Click on Tools > Validate ID Number
  • Insert the ID number you want to validate and click on Submit
  • Results of the validation are then displayed

Account number tips

  • Select Services.
  • Click on Account from the dropdown menu.
  • Click on Tools > Account number tips.


For these tips, the least significant, most right digit in an account number is counted as the first digit in the account number.


ABN AMRO BANKFor Cheque, accounts are reduced to 11 digits by dropping the 12th digit (leftmost).
ABSAAlso includes Allied, Trust, United, Volkskas
 You can always use branch code 632005
 Account numbers must be 8,9,10,11 digits in length
 Other branch codes can also be used but 632005 is preferable
ALBARAKA BANKAll account numbers are 11 digits long, the 3 most significant digits (3 leftmost digits) will always be 786
NEDBANK LTD INCORPORATING BOE BANKAll account numbers are 10 digits long
CAPITEC BANKAll account numbers are 10 digits long
CITIBANKAll account numbers are 10 digits long
NEDBANK INCORP. FBCAccount numbers can only be of type 2 or 3 and are 11 digits
FIRST RAND BANKAccount numbers are 11 digits
 You can always use branch code 250655 for South African FNB accounts
 All branch codes start with 2
 Bond accounts and personal loan accounts are 13 digits and can be made 11 digits by dropping the second and third numbers in the account number.
HABIB OVERSEAS BANKOld cheque account numbers fall in the following range 1111100000 – 1188580000
 New cheque and all savings account numbers fall in the following range 10000000000 – 19999999999
HBZ BANKAll account numbers should be 11 digits long
HSBCHSBC account numbers are 12 digits long, reduced to 11 digits by dropping the most significant digit (leftmost digit)
INVESTEC BANKAll account numbers should be 11 digits long
ITHALA (ABSA)All account numbers should be 8 digits long
MEEG BANKAccount numbers must be 8,9,10,11 digits in length
CAPITECH BUSINESSAll account numbers should be 10 digits long
 Cheque account numbers have the 10th Digit = 1 through 9 and the 9th Digit = 0 through 9
 Bond account numbers have the 10th Digit = 2 and the 9th Digit = 5 or 6 and have account type of 1
 Savings account numbers have the 10th Digit = 1 and the 9th Digit = 5 and have branch codes 450236 & 450237
NEDBANK CORPORATE SAVERAll account numbers should be 10 digits long
NEDBANK LTDAccount numbers are always 10 digits
 You can always use branch code 198765 for South African Nedbank accounts
 If the account number starts with 1 then it is a current (1) account
 If the account number starts with 2 then it is a savings (2) account
 Nedbank, Nedperm branch codes start with 1
 The 2nd,3rd and 4th digits of the account number are always the same as the branch code if you are not using the central branch code.
GRINDROD BANKAccount numbers are always 11 digits
BIDVEST BANKAccount numbers are always 11 digits
S.A. BANK OF ATHENSOld cheque account numbers range 2000000 – 2120000 and 7-digits
 New cheque accounts are always 11 digits
 Old savings account numbers range 2400000 – 2599999 and 7 digits
 New savings accounts are always 11 digits
POSTBANK A DIV OF S.A. POST OFFICEAccount numbers are always 11 digits
 You can always use branch code 460005 for Postbank accounts
STANDARD BANKBranch codes always start with Zero
 The old account number range is 000000000 – 999999999 and account numbers are 9 digits
 The new account number range is 10000000000 – 19999999999 and account numbers are 11 digits
 You can always use branch code 051001
MTN BANKINGAccount numbers are always 11 digits
 The 11th Digit must always be a zero.
UNIBANKAlways use the branch code 790005
 Always select transmission (3) account
 Transmission account = 16 digits reduced to 11 by dropping the 5 most significant digits; i.e. only the last 11 digits must be utilised reading from right to left
STANDARD CHARTERED BANKAccount numbers are always 11 digits
STATE BANK OF INDIAAccount numbers are always 11 digits
TEBA BANKAccount numbers are always 11 digits

List of Public recipients

  • Select Services.
  • Click on Account from the dropdown menu.
  • Click on Tools > List of Public Recipients.


Easily make payments to public recipients without requiring bank account information, for example, SARS, municipalities and utilities.


Find specific Public recipient details that can be used for capture in external software systems.


Note for capturing public recipients in external systems.


  • Use the relevant unique Recipient number as the Bank account number.
  • Add 000000 in the branch code field.
  • Use account type 9 where possible.
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