Manage Debit Orders

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Before a debit order batch can be processed it is necessary to capture the details of the relevant clients onto the system. This information is stored in what we refer to as a Masterfile. The only time you will not manually add clients to your Masterfile is if you are uploading your clients via the debit order converter file or using integrated software.

Add a new client to your Masterfile

Once you have navigated to > Services > Debit orders > Manage debit orders > Masterfile, you will be provided with the below options:

  1. Insert a unique account reference: This is a reference to differentiate clients from one another in the Masterfile. It can be any reference greater than 4 (four) characters, but each account reference in the Masterfile must be unique. Duplication of account references is not possible, and the system will return an error if attempted.

  2. Insert the Account name, company name or surname followed by initials: The client to whom the debit order relates.

  3. Insert the Debit amount: The default amount to be debited. This amount can always be changed prior to creating a batch. It can also be changed at the time a batch is created; however, no change will be made to the Masterfile if the amount is changed when setting up the batch.

  4. Once you are satisfied with the above information you have inserted click: “Submit“.

  5. Insert bank account details.

  6. Expand the Bank account tab by clicking on the down arrow to the right of the tab heading.

If you are adding a client with a Bank account, please refer to A below, if you are adding a client with a Credit Card, please refer to B below:


A. Adding a client with a Bank account:

  • Payment method type: Bank account

  • Insert Bank account name: The owner of the Bank account which will be debited. This might not be the same as the Account Name. For example, somebody may use their Bank account to pay for their wife and children’s individual gym subscription.

  • Insert the Bank account number: The number of the Bank account to be debited – include leading Zero, if applicable

  • Select the Generic branch code in the field provided – The branch code of the relevant Bank. It is recommended that the universal branch codes always be used, where available.

  • Bank account type: Current Account | Savings Account | Transmission Account | Bond Account | Subscription Share

  • Click “Submit


Netcash will now validate the Bank account and branch code and accept the record if successfully validated. If the account fails validation, then the Bank account record will not be added to the Masterfile.

Insert ID number if you would like to verify Bank account details. Account details and Bank account information is the minimum amount of information required in order to create a Masterfile entry that can be processed in a debit order batch.


B. Adding a Credit Card client:

  • Payment method type: Select Credit Card
  • Click on “Submit card details
  • Insert the Credit Card number, expiry date and name
  • Click on “Submit
  • Card details will be validated, close the window to return to the Masterfile.


Because Netcash is PCI DSS (“Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard”) compliant, we do not store Credit Card numbers anywhere on our system. All Credit Card transactions are managed via a Credit Card token and a masked Credit Card number. When adding Credit Card details the system generates a token together with a masked Credit Card number. 


Please note that any information changed in the Masterfile must be changed prior to setting up a batch. Any change in the Masterfile will NOT be pulled through to a batch, which has already been created.


An automated email will be sent advising of expired/expiring credit cards in the Debit order masterfile.


Editing clients in your Masterfile

Select Services > Debit orders > Manage debit orders > Masterfile.

In the Masterfile list view, by clicking on the Pencil on the left of the Masterfile entry, you can edit all information of your client, please see all tabs below:

Account details
  • Active: When you added your client in the Masterfile and clicked “active”.

  • Delete: You can tick “delete” if a client has cancelled their debit order. This client will be moved under your deleted status.

  • Edit: This option allows you to make changes to the details you have previously captured.

  • View change history: You can see which system user made the last change to the details captured.

  • Debit order transactions that have been returned with unpaid codes (excluding code 2 and 22) will be made inactive in the masterfile. These masterfile entries can be made active again once you have received a new mandate. Uploaded files containing these clients will automatically reactivate the status in the masterfile.

Bank account
  • Submit AVS: This function allows you to do account verification if you have the Risk Reports service active.

  • Edit: This option allows you to make changes to the details that you have previously captured.

  • View change history: You can see which system user made the last change to the details captured.

Account grouping
  • Groups: You can add clients in groups according to your debit needs, such as specific debit dates.

  • Edit: You can edit the group or clients in the group.

  • Change History: Click on the View change history tab to view changes to the grouping for this client (added, removed, or amended)

  • Payment Request: This needs to be ticked and an email or mobile number must be captured if you would like to activate Payment Request > Please refer to Pay Now functionalities.  

  • Email address: You can add a client’s email address here if you would like them to receive a notification for the debit order that will be processed on their account.

  • Mobile Number: You can add a client’s mobile number here if you would like them to receive a notification for the debit order that will be processed on their account.

  • Edit: This option allows you to make changes to the details that you have previously captured.

  • View change history: You can see which system user made the last change to the details captured.


Notifications history

  • Email history: This should show the history of all the notification emails sent to the client for their debit order.

  • SMS history: This should show the history of all the notification SMSs sent to the client for their debit order.

Transaction history
  • Transaction History will list the transactions processed against this client. Any unpaid transactions will be shown in red together with the reason code. The details of each individual transaction can be saved to a pdf document.

View full history

  • This allows you to see the full debit history of the client if there are more to display.

Contact details

The below details would need to be captured if you would like to make use of the Electronic Mandate.

  • Contact person
  • Title
  • Telephone number
  • Identity number
  • Date of birth
  • Postal address 1
  • Postal address 2
  • Postal address postal code
  • Physical address 1
  • Physical address 2
  • Physical address postal code
  • Edit
Additional details (This field is optional)
  • An extra detail is to be recorded against this account

  • Fields 1 – 9: This section provides you with 9 (nine) fields that you can utilise for any additional information of a client. This can be kept in the Masterfile for reference purposes.

  • Submit: This should be clicked once you are satisfied with all the extra information that you have captured.


  • Debit order mandate: You have the option to store your client’s signed mandate directly onto the Netcash account, which you can upload here, or if you are using electronic mandates, it will automatically be uploaded here.

  • Mandate list
  • Add mandate

Deleting Masterfile entries in Bulk

Select Services > Debit orders > Manage debit orders > Masterfile.

  • Multiple entries can be deleted in bulk.
  • Tick the Delete field for the masterfile entries to be deleted.
  • Click on the Delete button

Debit batches

Please note the following information before you create your debit order batch as per the instructions further down below.

There is no restriction to the number of Same days and Two-day batches which can be created for a specific action date.

Sameday Debit Batches that are in an authorised status on the action date may no longer be unauthorised.


Debit order cut off times:

Two day Debit orders
  • A Two Day Debit is a standard debit order which can be processed on weekdays(from Monday to Friday), and public holidays are excluded.

  • The cut-off time for a 2-day batch is at 23h59 two full working days before the Action date.

Same day Debit orders
  • Same day Debit Orders can be processed on the same day the batch is authorised, from Monday to Saturday excluding public holidays.

  • The cut off time for a sameday batch 11h00 on the action date.  Same day batches can also be run on a Saturday. Please note that the cut off for authorisation for a Saturday same day batch is 23h59 on Friday, not 11h00 am on Saturday.

Debit Order Batch Funds Release
Once a debit order batch has been processed, the funds received will be released on the following bases:

Two-day batch: The proceeds of the batch will be credited to your Netcash account and any available balance will be released after midday on the same day the batch is processed. 

Same-day batch: The proceeds of the batch will be credited to your Netcash account and any available balance will be made available after midday on the first working day, following the action date. The term Same day batch does not mean that the funds will be paid on the same day the batch is processed.


Single transaction batches: Should a Debit batch be processed that only contains a single transaction the full value of the batch will be held for 22 (twenty-two) working days. This is because of the risks associated with debit orders. While we can apportion risk on batches with several transactions, this is not possible where there is only one transaction. Either the whole transaction is successful, or it is not. 


If you have exceeded your line or daily limit, please contact Netcash Account Manager to arrange a limit increase. Batches that have exceeded limits cannot be authorised.


It is necessary for Netcash to manage risk. By default, when the debit order account is activated, the limits are set as follows:

  • Line limit – R1.00
  • Daily limit – R20 000


Should these limits be insufficient, contact your Account Support and discuss the limit requirements. Depending on the limit increase requested, it may be necessary to provide copies of mandates before an increase.


Tip: Should you be requesting a large increase to a line limit or to a daily limit, please do not leave it until the day that you want to authorise the batch. Account support may request additional information and there could be insufficient time to perform the necessary checks.


Authorised batches cannot be edited (therefore unauthorise the batch first). Action dates and service types can be edited by clicking on the pencil in the batch list screen.


If you do not see an authorise button, you do not have the necessary permissions. Please refer to your system Super User to provide the required permissions.

Authorisation column narratives:
  • Authorise – required to be authorised. Unauthorise – may be unauthorised.
  • Co-auth – requires additional authoriser/s.
  • Date expired – batch has passed cut-off and has not been authorised.
  • Transactions required – no transactions/clients have been added to the batch.


Note: Final responsibility for the batch rests with the user who authorises the batch. Netcash accepts no responsibility for incorrect batch information as it is assumed that all relevant information has been checked by the user once the batch has been authorised.


Once you are on the Debit batches screen you are presented with 2 (two) buttons.


  • Download: This allows you to download all the batches that you have created but have not yet processed.
  • Add debit batch: This is where you start creating your debit order batch by clicking this button.

Creating debit order batches

Select Services > Debit orders > Manage debit orders > Debit Batches.
  • Click on the Add debit batch button.
  • Select the debit type.
  • Select the Action date – this is the day that the client’s bank account will be debited.
  • Click on Submit.
  • Select the clients that you would like to add to this batch.
  • Select individual clients and click on the Add selected to batch button or,
    Filter by group, select group and Add selected to batch button.
  • Select View batch.
  • Select Batch list.


You can view the details of your batch such as the date, service type, volume and value of your debit order batch.


If you are satisfied with the details of the debit batch that you have created, you are then ready and able to authorise your debit order batch at this point, by clicking the blue Authorise button.

Authorising a Debit Order batch

  1. Click on the authorise button

  2. Batch details will be displayed such as the fees, retentions and payment date

  3. Batch warnings -A batch warning button displayed in pink indicates warnings in the batch. Batch warnings will display info in the batch such as duplicate bank accounts and account details changed. You can choose to make corrections or proceed to authorise the batch without amendments.

  4. Select “Email or SMS” notifications if you would like to notify your clients of the debits to be processed to their accounts.

  5. Release funds to my bank account:

a) Yes: Netcash will pay the proceeds of the batch fewer deductions to your bank account, when available.

b) No: Proceeds will be credited to your Netcash account only – this creates an available balance for salary and creditor payments.

  1. Accept the Terms and Conditions – the screen will then refresh and display an Authorise button.

  2. Click on the Authorise button.

  3. Your batch is now authorised, click Ok.

  4. Your batch will now be displayed with an Unauthorise button in the Authorisation column – Batches can be unauthorised for further editing or deletion up until the cut-off time for that service (Two day or Same day service).


Note: It is also necessary that the option from the dropdown box next to Release Funds to My Account on the Authorization screen be selected. Only if the yes option is selected will funds be automatically released, otherwise it will be necessary to manually release the funds by going to the:


  1. Account
  2. Manage Account
  3. Release funds


This will result in a delay in the transfer of the proceeds of the available balance.

View and edit a Debit Order batch

  • Once all clients have been added to the batch, click on the View batch button.
  • By clicking on the Download button, you can export the batch report into the standard formats.
  • To edit an amount(s), click on the Pencil to the left of the client.
  • To delete a client, select the row and click on Delete Account.
  • If you are ready to authorise the batch, click on Batch list.
Editing dates/service types and deleting batches
  • Click on the pencil to the left of the batch.
  • Select a new action date if required – Same day or Two day batch
  • Click on Submit.
  • Batches can be deleted by clicking on the Delete batch button.
Add a batch name to batch screens and reports

A batch name has been added to the manage the batches screen. The name of the batch is taken from the imported file or allocated by Netcash if the batch is created manually.

The name of the batch can be edited by clicking on the pen icon and creating a new batch name.

Sub account batches

Select Services > Debit orders > Manage debit orders > Sub account batches.


This screen allows you to see all your batches that have been created and that require authorization, this includes debit order batches that you have created on your main Netcash account and on your sub-accounts if you have sub-accounts.

Please see the steps below on how to authorize a debit order batch:
  • Click the “Authorise” button.

    Select “Email or SMS” notifications if you would like to notify your clients of the debits to be processed to their accounts.

  • Release funds to my bank account:

    a) Yes: Netcash will pay the proceeds of the batch fewer deductions to your bank account, when available.

    b) No: Proceeds will be credited to your Netcash account only – this creates an available balance for

    salary and creditor payments.

  • Accept the Terms and Conditions – the screen will then refresh and display an “Authorise” button.

  • Click on the “Authorise” button.

  • Your batch is now authorised, click “Ok”.

  • Your batch will now be displayed with an “Unauthorise” button in the Authorisation column – Batches can be “unauthorised” for further editing or deletion up until the cut-off time for that service (Two day or Same day service).

Note: It is also necessary that the option from the dropdown box next to “Release Funds to My Account” on the Authorization screen be selected. Only if the yes option is selected will funds be automatically released, otherwise it will be necessary to manually release the funds by going to the:


  • Account
  • Manage Account
  • Release funds


This will result in a delay in the transfer of the proceeds of the available balance.

Electronic mandates

Our electronic mandate solutions ensures that you obtain your clients’ authority to debit in a compliant, secure, and convenient manner.


Creating and sending an Electronic mandate (E-mandate)

  1. Select Services > Debit orders > Manage debit orders > Electronic mandates.

  2. Click on Add mandate, you may note that the process is very similar to creating a new Masterfile entry.

  3. Insert Account Reference

  4. Insert Account name.

  5. Add the mandate amount (Debit amount)

  6. Tick Active to activate the Masterfile.

  7. Tick Add to masterfile to ensure a masterfile is created and updated for this client once the mandate has been accepted.

  8. Click on Submit.

9. Insert Identification details – Insert the details of the individual who is to sign the mandate on behalf of the company/individual.

10. Bank account or Credit Card details can be inserted if you have them, alternatively, they can be inserted by your client when authorising the mandate online.

  1.  Account grouping and Additional details are optional fields.

  2.  Click on the edit button if you would like to add any additional contact details for the client. The client can add their contact information when completing the electronic

  3. Complete the Electronic mandate tab.

    • Insert the following:

    • Debit frequency.

    • Commencement month.

    • Commencement Day: This allows your client a choice of dates on which to debit the Bank account / Credit Card.

    • Contract reference number

    • Authenticate as DebiCheck mandate: If your client has chosen DebiCheck the emandate will include the Debicheck clauses and create an authentication in the Masterfile for the client.

    • Select the DebiCheck template.

    • Allow variable amounts.

    • Request AVS: If selected a bank account verification will be performed on the client’s bank account, please ensure the client’s ID number has been inserted in the contact details menu.

    • Additional clauses: specific clauses can be added to your mandate.

14. Click on Update and then Submit mandate.

15. A preview of the mandate will then be displayed, click on Send mandate when you are ready to send the mandate to your client. Netcash will now forward an email and SMS requesting your client to sign the mandate electronically.

Client signing process

  • Your client will receive an email and/or SMS requesting them to sign the mandate electronically, by clicking on a link to the signing pages.

  • The first step is to insert their first name (this is a verification step that requires the First name as entered by you in the Identification details tab). The OTP contained in the SMS/email is then inserted followed by Submit.

Note: Your client has the option to decline this electronic mandate by clicking on the decline button. (top right-hand corner)


  • Complete the Contact Information details and submit. (If this information has been added to the mandate prior the client can confirm and submit.)

  • Choose a Bank account or Credit Card, insert details and select dates on which debits are to Commence and run, thereafter. Click on Submit and Next. (If this information has been added to the mandate prior the client can confirm and submit.)

  • Review the mandate and note that additional clauses will appear at the bottom of the document.

  • The client then has the choice to Sign or Decline the mandate.

  • Mandates are confirmed by inserting the OTP sent to the client’s mobile number.

  • The completed mandate is thereafter available for download for your client.

Masterfile updates

  • All mandates created will appear on the Electronic mandates page.
  • Only mandates that have been signed (Accepted status) will be automatically added to the Debit Order Masterfile.


Note: the add to Masterfile box must be ticked when creating the electronic mandate, alternatively it can be updated to your Masterfile by selecting single or multiple mandates and clicking on the Update Masterfile button.


  • Tick the Add to Masterfile box in the account details section to have the electronic mandate automatically updated to the Masterfile once signed.

  • The Electronic mandates page will display the following:

    • All electronic mandates that have been created.

    • Account reference

    • Account name

    • ID validation

    • Bank account validation

    • AVS: Tick box will be ticked if AVS was selected, and the reports can be viewed under Services> Risk Reports> Reports> AVS

    • Status: Accepted, Awaiting authorisation, Awaiting signature, Captured, Declined or Valid

    • Select all: Mandates can be updated manually to the Masterfile by selecting the mandate. Updated status indicates the Masterfile has been updated.

  • Electronic mandates can be resent to the client. The updated mandate will replace the existing mandate.
  • Click on the pencil icon to edit the electronic mandate if you require changes to the mandate.
  • Edit as required.
  • Select the electronic mandate field and select Resend mandate.


Note: The electronic mandate does not need to be edited in order to resend the mandate to the client.


Additional clauses may be added to an Electronic mandate.

    • To create and additional clause select the Additional clauses button.
    • Select the Add clause button.
    • Insert a heading and description for the Additional clause template.
    • Add your additional clause wording.
    • Select Submit.

Card tokenisation

Select Services > Debit orders > Manage debit orders > Card tokenisation.


Netcash is a level 1 PCI DSS-compliant company. This means that we are not permitted to retain credit card account details and this is done in order to prevent fraud. Once the card details have been entered, the credit card number will be masked (only the first and last 4 (four) digits are displayed, and the remainder are zero-filled).


A card token is generated and displayed below the card details. Tokens represent card details and can be used to submit transactions electronically to Netcash. Tokens will expire when the cards expire.

Resend payment request

Select Services > Debit orders > Manage debit orders > Resend payment request.

Payment requests can be resent to debit order clients – this is for clients that previously received a payment request after an unpaid debit order.

Select either a date range or specific search to view previously sent payment requests.

Click resend on the payment request you would like to resend.

Credit card refund

The credit card refund option allows you to request a refund, this will return the funds to your clients card account. Examples, where refunds can be initiated, are double payments received perhaps your client cancelled their order or contract.


Credit card refunds can be requested within 6 months of the transaction date. If the credit card has expired an EFT payment is an alternative.


  • Select Services.
  • Click on Pay Now from the dropdown menu.
  • Click on Manage > Credit card refund
  • Select the date range that the payment was made
  • Insert the amount to be refunded. It cannot exceed the initial amount and must consider previous partial refunds.
  • Click Request


Note: If there are insufficient funds in the Netcash account the credit card refund will be rejected and may be requested again at a later date.
A refund may take up to 7 days to be refunded to the card holders account.

Lock batch

Select Services > Debit orders > Manage debit orders > Debit Batches.


To lock a batch from any further editing select the edit icon and click on Lock batch.


Review the onscreen message and click on Yes if you would like to proceed. Please note that the batch cannot be unlocked.


The lock batch feature is applicable to all batches created on the Netcash platform. Imported batches may have the lock batch feature activated in the NetConnector settings, in which case they will already be locked.

Batch detail report


  • Select Services.
  • Click on Debit Orders from the dropdown menu.
  • Click on > Debit batches.
  • Select view batch detail report.


The batch detail report displays information regarding batch details prior to the batch being processed by the bank.

Returned Debit Order date in Masterfile


  • Select Services > Debit orders > Manage debit orders > Masterfile.
  • Select the Masterfile of the client.
  • Select the transaction history menu for the client.


Transaction History will list the transactions processed against this client. Any unpaid transactions will be shown in red together with the reason code and the debit order returned to date. The details of each transaction can be saved to a pdf document.

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Manage Debit Orders

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