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Debit batch reports

Batches that have been authorised will appear in the batch report menu after the cut-off time for that service, to obtain your batch report:


  • Click on Services.
  • Click on Debit orders from the dropdown menu.
  • Click on Reports > Debit batch reports.
  • A list of processed batches will appear.
  • Click on the Printer to the left of the batch to obtain a report.
  • Choose the Format you require and Download.


The report also lists all of the transactions processed in the batch. If the client’s details are shown in black this means that up to the time of viewing the report, Netcash has had no notification from the banks that the transaction has been unsuccessful.


Transaction details are shown in red means that the collection of the debit order has not been successful. The reason for the failure is indicated by the code which appears after the client’s name.


For additional information please see below:

  • To view additional information on your batch, click on View batch detail report.
  • Export in the required format.
The above batch detail report provides the following information:
  • Date authorized
  • Who authorized the batch
  • Action Date
  • Settlement date – the date on which the retention amounts are due
  • No transactions submitted
  • Value of the batch
  • Number of unpaid transactions
  • Value of unpaid transactions
  • Percentage of unpaid transactions

Note: Just because a transaction is not showing as unpaid when checking the batch, this does not mean that it might not still be returned at a later stage. Although Netcash normally receives the notification of the majority of unpaid transactions within 4 days of the batch being processed, it is always possible that the client disputes a transaction well after this and it is returned by the bank. Netcash is not responsible for the transactions being unpaid. We are only a third-party payment provider and report the information supplied to us by the bank. Should, for example, a transaction be returned due to insufficient funds and the client is adamant that there was money in the account, it will be necessary for that client to contact their bank to resolve the matter.

To view the Security retention and unpaid retention with release dates per debit batch report click on the download button. Please note that retentions may differ at the date of release due to unpaids being returned to your Netcash account.

Deleted batches

Select Services > Debit orders > Reports > Deleted Debit batches.


This screen displays batches that have been deleted and that were never processed as well as any entries that have been deleted from a batch.


Tick the block in the Select column next to each batch that needs to be deleted then click on the Delete button. Please note that only batches that are not authorised may be deleted.

Audit reports

The Masterfile audit report allows viewing which clients have been created, edited or duplicated in your Masterfile.

  • Click on Services > Debit orders
  • Click on Reports > Audit report
  • Select the date range
  • Select the Result type and click on Submit
  • A list of clients will be displayed that conform to your request, click on the Pencil to the left of the client to view audit detail

Note: If you are uploading debit batches the system is unable to determine which user made the change and consequently File upload will be displayed in the Changed by column.

Unpaid reports

The Unpaid report allows you to monitor and manage unpaid clients on your Netcash account.


Total unpaids:

  • Click on Services
  • Click on Debit orders from the dropdown menu
  • Click on Reports > Unpaid reports, Total unpaids
  • Select the From date and insert the Unpaid count
  • Click on Show Report
Consecutive unpaids:
  • Click on Services
  • Click on Debit orders from the dropdown menu
  • Click on Reports > Consecutive unpaids
  • Select the Date range
  • Click on Submit


A report can be generated based on the number of unpaid transactions over a specific period. This provides useful information on which clients need to be monitored and the cost implications of their unpaid transactions.


Batch statistics reflect the volume of transactions processed on your account and, using the percentage of unpaids, calculate the average unpaid percentage on your account. This will give you an idea of how successful your debit order collections are and will allow Netcash to calculate the percentages required for Unpaid retention.


  • Click on Services
  • Click on Debit orders from the dropdown menu
  • Click on Reports > Statistics

Blocked accounts

This report displays a list of account numbers blocked by Netcash based on the unpaid reason code.


These debit orders are not submitted to the bank for collection and attract avoidable processing fees. These transactions should be removed from your debit order batches together with future transactions returned for the same reasons.


A few of the unpaid codes that would be blocked:
  • Account Closed
  • Account Transferred
  • Account Holder Deceased
  • No Such Account
  • Unpaid Consecutively
To access your blocked accounts:
  • Click on Service
  • Click on Debit orders
  • Click on Report > Block Accounts
Blocked account search options:
  • Search all –Search account numbers within a date range, by Amount or Description
  • Search specific- Search accounts by bank account number.
  • Steps to remove a blocked account (Code 60)

    1. Obtain a new signed mandate from your client with updated banking details.

    2. Submit the new mandate to your Account Manager at Netcash.

    3. Mandate submitted to remove the blocked account (Code 60).

    4. Once the code 60 has been lifted you can resubmit the debit order for processing.

Processing dates

This report displays when a debit batch needs to be authorised for a particular action date. Same day batches are to be authorised by 11 am on the action date and 2-day debit batches must be authorised by midnight 2 full working days prior to action date.


  • Select Services
  • Click on Debit orders from the dropdown menu
  • Click on Reports > Processing dates
  • A list of processing dates will be displayed including action date and presentation date. This list is continually updated

Unpaid codes

Select Services > Debit orders > Reports >Unpaid codes


All debit order accounts are validated prior to sending them into the banking system. By using this process customers can be confident that the receiving banks will accept the transaction.

However, debit orders are not guaranteed methods of payment. Whilst the account details may be valid, the transaction can still be returned by the account holder’s bank. Transactions returned in this manner are known as unpaid items or unpaid. The most common reason for returning a debit order is insufficient funds or not being provided for – this means that there was not enough money in the bank account to honour the debit order. In addition, there are several reasons why the transaction might not be successful. Some examples are listed below.



Code Name


02Not provided forThere were insufficient funds in this account. Please contact the customer to make arrangements for alternative payment or arrange to process a double payment on the next batch run.
03Debits are not allowed on this accountThe customer’s account is a special savings account and cannot be debited. Kindly request the customer to provide alternative banking details account details or change the account to a Transmission Account.
04Payment Stopped (by a/c holder)Your customer has requested that payment be stopped and the debit order be reversed. Please contact your customer to query the Stop Payment. No further debit order instruction will run against this account until Stop Payment has been lifted.
06Account Frozen (as in divorce, etc)Your customer’s account has been frozen due to legal proceedings Please contact your customer to obtain alternative banking details. No further debit orders will be run against this account until legal proceedings have been completed.
08Account in sequestration (private individual)Your customer’s account has been frozen due to legal proceedings Please contact your customer to obtain alternative banking details as no further debit orders will be run against this account.
10Account in liquidation (company)Your customer’s account has been frozen due to legal proceedings Please contact your customer to obtain alternative banking details as no further debit orders will be run against this account.
12Account closed (with no forwarding details)Your customer’s account has been closed. Kindly contact your customer to obtain alternative banking details as no further debit orders can be run against this account.
14Account transferred (within banking group)Account transferred (within banking group)
16Account transferred (to other banking groups)Account transferred (to another banking group)
18Account holder deceasedYour customer’s account has been closed as the account holder is deceased. Please obtain alternative banking details if the debit is to continue or contact the customers’ attorneys for settlement
22Account effects not clearedYour customers’ account had funds but these were not cleared in time for the debit order to be processed. Please contact your the customer to arrange manual payment or confirm when your debit order can be resubmitted
26No such accountYour customers’ account may be invalid or has been closed. Please contact your customer to obtain alternative banking details.
28Recall/WithdrawalYour customer has requested a withdrawal of the debit order entry. Please contact your customer to clear up the dispute and re-submit if necessary.
30No authority to debit / creditYour customer has stopped payment of the debit order, allegedly due to you not having the authority to debit the account. Please contact your customer to resolve the dispute as no further debit orders will be submitted on this account until the stop payment is lifted.
32Debit in contravention of the payer’s authorityYour customer has stopped payment of the debit order which allegedly is in contravention of the agreement entered into. Please contact your customer to resolve the dispute. No further debit orders can be submitted on this account until the stop payment is lifted.
34Authorisation cancelledYour customer has stopped payment on the debit order, and cancelled the authorisation. Please contact your customer to resolve the dispute as no further debit orders will be submitted on this account until stop payment is lifted.
36Previously stopped via stop payment adviceYour customer has previously stopped payment of the debit order due to a dispute. Please contact your customer to resolve the dispute as no further debit orders will be submitted on this account until the stop payment is lifted.
50Account Number InvalidYour customer’s account is invalid. Please contact your customer to obtain alternative banking details.
51Bank RecallThe bank has requested a recall on this debit order transaction entry. Please contact your customer to arrange a settlement and resubmit if necessary.
56Not FICA compliantThis account is not FICA compliant and the bank will not allow any further transactions to this account until your customer complies with the requirements. Please make alternative arrangements for payment with your client.
57Duplicate Reversal 
60Consecutive unpaid rejectionThere have been consecutive unpaid transactions against this account number. Remove the transaction from all future batches.
81Credit Card Token ErrorThis transaction has been declined because there is a likely error in the token. Please get a new token for this card number and then rerun the transaction.
82Credit Card Declined – Please CallThis transaction has been declined because the bank needs a call to authorise the transaction. Please contact the customer and ask them to contact the bank with regards to the transaction and then rerun the transaction.
83Credit Card TimeoutThis transaction has timed out on the bank credit card switch but has not been declined. It has thus not reached the intended customer account. Please run this again in a new batch.
84Credit Card Declined – Reported As StolenThis transaction has been declined because the card has been reported stolen. Please contact the customer to get new details to process any additional transactions
85Credit Card Declined – Account ClosedThis transaction has been declined because the account has been closed. Please contact the customer to get new details to process any additional transactions
86Credit Card Declined – Disputed by the cardholderThis transaction has been declined because it has been disputed by cardholder. Please contact the customer to get a new expiry date and process the transaction again.
87Credit Card Declined – Invalid numberThis transaction has been declined because it is an invalid card number. Please contact the customer to verify the details and process the transaction again.
88Credit Card Declined – ExpiredThis transaction has been declined because the card has expired. Please contact the customer to get a new expiry date and process the transaction again.
89Credit Card DeclinedThis transaction has been declined by the credit card company. Please contact the customer to make arrangements for alternative payment or arrange to process a double payment on the next batch run.
90Non Possession of cardGateway return with a reason of Non-Possession of the card is usually related to a return that was done because the card was used fraudulently.
145An account failed the final validationThis is a credit payment error when an account fails the final validation but still exists in the system with incorrect details.

Search by transaction ID

This search function helps you to easily find the client’s debit order details if they provide you with the transaction ID number, this is a unique number allocated to every debit order that is processed.


The transaction ID number is displayed on your client’s bank statement next to your chosen abbreviated name.

  • Select Services
  • Click on Debit orders from the dropdown menu
  • Click on Reports > Search by transaction ID

Expired credit cards

A list of Debit Orders against credit cards will be displayed with the cards expiry date.


A new Debit Order Mandate should be signed, and the tokenised card data uploaded to your master file to replace the expired card detail.


These can be filtered by All , expired credit cards, expiring credit cards (Next 30 days).

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