Public Recipients

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Public recipients can be added to a creditor’s payments batch or a once off payment batch.

Add a new Public recipient to your Creditor list

Once you have navigated to > Services > Payments > Creditors > Creditor list, you will be provided with the below options:

  • Click the Add Creditor button on the top right side of the screen.
  • You will be prompted to insert the following information:
    • Account reference
    • Account name
    • Payment amount
    • Creditor statement reference
  • Click on Submit.
  • Select the Public recipient option.
    • Type in recipient name and select the relevant Public recipient from the drop-down list. 
  • Click on Submit.

Please note that it is important to ensure that the statement reference inserted for a Public recipient is in accordance with the specific requirements they have indicated. Failure to do so may result in the payment being rejected when processed incurring possible penalties for late payment.

Note: Bank account AVS is not available for Public recipients

  • The Bank account number displayed for a Public recipient is an identifier ID used for processing and not the Bank account number of the Public recipient.
  • Public recipient payments are processed as Sameday payments only.
Once off payment

Once off payment to Public recipient:

  • Select Public recipient option
  • Payment Type – Only a Sameday payment is permitted when paying Public recipients.
  • Action Date: The date you would like the payment to be processed
  • Your reference for creditors: This could be a reference that you use internally to differentiate your recipients as you could have recipients with the same name etc.
  • Type in the recipient name and click on the Search button to return a list of available recipient accounts.
  • Select the relevant Public recipient from the drop down list
  • Payment amount: The amount you will be paying your recipient in this once-off payment
  • Creditors statement reference: This is the reference that will reflect on your beneficiaries’ statement once they receive your payment
  • Please note that it is important to ensure that the statement reference inserted for a Public recipient is in accordance with the specific requirements they have indicated. Failure to do so may result in the payment being rejected when processed incurring possible penalties for late payment.
  • Email address: Please insert your beneficiaries’ email address if you would like them to receive a notification of this payment (this is optional)
  • Cellular number: Please insert your beneficiaries cellphone number if you would like them to receive a notification of this payment (this is optional)
  • Click on Submit

Note: remember to authorise your once off creditor batch

List of Public recipients

Navigate to Services> Account>Tools> List of Public recipients

Public recipient details can be used for capture in external software systems.

Note for capturing public recipients in external systems.

  • Use the relevant unique Recipient number as the Bank account number.
  • Add 000000 in the branch code field or.
  • Use account type 9 where possible.
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Public Recipients

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