Pay Now SMS email

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Pay Now SMS Email for Debit order unpaid items

Netcash now gives you the ability to send payment requests to all clients whose debit orders have returned unpaid. An email or SMS will be sent to your client containing a link to the Netcash payment portal where they can choose from several payment options, these include:

  1. Credit card payments
  2. Instant EFT
  3. Bank EFT
  4. Cash Payments
  5. Visa Checkout
  6. Masterpass
  7. Payflex
  8. 1 Voucher

Please take note of the following:

  • The Master file entry must contain a valid email address or mobile number.
  • Clients must be active in the Master file.
  • Pay Now must be active (you may need to apply for the service).
  • Pay Now to unpaids must be active in the master file.
  • If you are using extra fields 1, 2 and 3 will be carried through to Pay Now – for reconciliation.
  • All users that can edit Master file entries will be granted permission to this feature.
    The feature can be turned on in bulk (entire Master file) or individually ( per Master file entry).

Options to activate Payment request

Entire Masterfile

  1. To activate or deactivate all clients in your debit order Master file:
  2. Click on Services / Debit orders / Manage debit orders /Master file.
  3. Select the More button and in the Action dropdown menu select: Activate Payment request
  4. This action will activate all entries in the Master file irrespective of whether email addresses or mobile numbers have been captured.

Batches that have been uploaded with new clients containing email addresses or mobile numbers, will not automatically be selected for Payment requests. It is possible to deactivate and reactivate the feature in order that all new clients can be selected for payment requests should the transaction be returned unpaid.

To activate Payment Request for all future eMandates, file uploads and manual entries please contact your Account Support Consultant. Once activated, the tick box for Payment Requests will be selected by default in the Debit Order masterfile. A Payment Request will be sent to the client when an unpaid Debit Order is received. 

Note – For Payment requests to be sent the clients contact information must be inserted in the notifications container in the masterfile.

Individual entries

To edit individual Master file entries:

  1. Click on Services and select Debit Orders.
  2. Click on Manage Debit orders and Master file.
  3. Click on the pencil to the left of the Master file entry that you would like to edit.
  4. Scroll down to the Notifications container.
  5. Tick the Payment Request box.
  6. Insert the required detail and submit – email address and mobile number formats are validated and saved.


  • Clients that have paid via Pay Now SMS Email can be viewed in the Pay Now transaction report (Services / Pay Now / Reports / Pay Now transaction report) or on the Netcash statement (Services / Account / Reports / Statement or Statement download).
  • Should you have uploaded a debit order batch and have used the three extra fields, those fields will be carried through to Pay Now and will also appear on your downloaded statement for reconciliation purposes.
  • An unpaid client that is subsequently paid via Pay Now does not influence your unpaid statistics and debit order retentions i.e. the percentages are not reduced.


  • The Pay Now service includes a modular fee and cost per transaction type – please obtain fee details from your account manager prior to using the service.
  • Credit card limits are set in conjunction with your account manager.
  • You may decide which of the payment types to offer to your clients.
  • Payments requests are sent once on the day that the unpaids are received from the various banks.
  • Manual Payment requests can be sent from the Pay Now menu – these will not be linked to the debit order unpaid.
  • Activating and deactivating the entire Masterfile will overwrite any individual entries – ensure that this is what you require as it cannot be reversed. Individual entries can be edited after using the bulk feature.
Need more assistance?

Contact your Relationship Consultant on 0861 338 338 or email us on

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