DebiCheck QSG

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DebiCheck is a preferential debit order system requiring the bank account holder to give specific electronic permission (via their bank) prior to any debit order being processed.

DebiCheck does not replace Same-day and Dated debit orders but can be used as an alternative. By using DebiCheck you can obtain authentication, benefit from the preferential presentation of the debit and track the bank account over a selected period.

The DebiCheck process


The authentication process requires a request to be sent via the bank account holders bank to the account holder requesting authority to process DebiCheck transactions to their account. The authentication needs to happen within a specified time in order for the mandate to be registered and the authority to debit is in place.


DebiCheck Templates allow Netcash clients to reduce the required number of fields required to be submitted with each Authentication request. Templates can be used in both the electronic mandate initiation of an Authentication request as well as the debit order Masterfile initiation (assuming a manual or voice-recorded mandate is in place).

Setting up a template

  1. Navigate to Services/Debit Orders/Service Profile/DebiCheck Templates
  2. Click on Add Template
  3. Choose a template name
  4. Complete the remaining fields
  1. Click on Submit
  2. The Template will now be saved and can be edited if required.

Usage-based: Terms of the contract change regularly, eg. a cellphone bill may vary monthly based on usage. Due to the flexibility of this mandate type, Netcash will submit all DebiCheck transactions as Usage-Based


1. Real Time (TT1): Send an immediate message to the bank account holder allowing instant mandate authentication. The response time is within 120 seconds or a delayed response within 1 day will be received.
2. Batch (TT2): Authentication requests are batched and sent to all prospective clients. The response is received within 2 days.


The Date adjustment indicator for DebiCheck authentications determines whether transactions can be presented on a day other than the agreed collection date. This field has a major influence on the ability to collect successfully should the date fall on a Sunday or Public Holiday.


Date adjustment set to ‘No’:

Transactions processed on any day other than the agreed collection date will be rejected.


Date adjustment set to ‘Yes’

Collections can be submitted on any business day , it is recommended to use the previous business day or 1st business day after the Sunday/Public holiday.

We recommend that date adjustment be set to ‘Yes’ for all DebiCheck authentications allowing you to process transactions, should the collection date fall on a Sunday or Public Holiday.


Sundays or Public holidays

If the Date Adjustment is set to Yes, it is suggested that collections be submitted for the previous business day or 1st business day after the Sunday/Public holiday.


Tracking: tracking may be amended per client when creating a debiCheck batch


Registered Mandate Service (RMS) allows the processing of unauthenticated DebiCheck mandates. Registration for RMS will take place as soon as the time has elapsed for authentication. RMS transactions will be included with DebiCheck batches.


RMS is only permitted for Batch (TT2) and not for TT1 authentications.


When a request from the bank to the customer to approve a mandate is not actioned by the customer, and the request expires, you can register an “RMS Mandate” against the customer’s account with the same detail as agreed in the underlying contract. When an RMS Mandate is registered, the customer will not be required to authenticate the mandate, however, they will be able to dispute or suspend (place a stop payment) against the mandate.

Authentication via eMandates

  1. Navigate to Services/Debit Order/Manage debit orders/Electronic mandates.
  2. Click on Add Mandate.
  3. Insert all information for a standard Debit order mandate, in the Electronic mandate container Container, and check the Authenticate Mandate as DebiCheck Mandate tickbox.
  4. Select the required Template and complete the DebiCheck information.
  1. Click on Update then Submit mandate.
  2. Submit the mandate in the standard manner.

Note: Mandates that have been approved by the account holder will automatically be sent through the Authentication process via the bank account holder’s bank and will be viewable in the masterfile which is updated on acceptance of the electronic mandate.

Authentication via the Master file

  1. Navigate to your Master file – Services / Debit Orders/Manage debit orders/Master file.
  2. Create/edit the Masterfile entry that requires authentication.
  3. If creating, complete the mandatory fields then;
  4. Click on the DebiCheck Authentication container and Add Mandate, alternatively, select Add from the template if a template has been previously created. 
  5. Insert the required detail – note the similarity with the Template.
  6. Note the ability to select RMS. RMS is only permitted for Batch (TT2) and not for TT1 authentications.
  7. Once complete, click on Submit.
  8. Click on Authorise to initiate the authentication.

Adding an authentication

Add from template



If the DebiCheck container is not active, ensure that:

  1. DebiCheck is activated on your account (Account profile / Service profiles / Debit Orders )
  2. This Master file entry is Active and not Deleted (see the first container)
  3. Only bank account details are captured (no credit cards)
  4. An active mobile number has been inserted in the Notification container


Additional functions are available depending on the status of the authentication:

  1. Pencil – edit
  2. Bin – delete
  3. Arrows – resend


  • The instalment amount may be amended and once amended it will automatically adjust the maximum collection amount by 1.5.
  • A notification will be sent to the client informing them of the change to the instalment amount.
  • If any other fields need to be an amended to an accepted authentication a new authentication must be created and sent to the client for authentication.

Viewing Authenticated Clients:

Option 1 (Masterfile)

  1. Navigate to your Services> Debit Orders>Manage debit orders>Master file
  2. Click on More
  3. Select DebiCheck form the dropdown menu
  4. Click on Submit
  5. A list of authenticated clients will be displayed
  6. Click on the edit pencil next to any of the authenticated clients and scroll down to the DebiCheck container
  7. The authentication list is displayed, and details of the mandate can then be viewed by clicking on the edit function

Option 2 (DebiCheck authentication screen)

  1. Navigate to Services> Debit Orders >reports >DebiCheck Authentication

  2. Insert the Date range and Submit

  3. The following will be displayed – Initiation date, Contract reference, Account reference, Account name, Status date and Amount

  4. Select the XLS download for additional fields.

Note the Response codes/search and export options

Creating DebiCheck batches

  1. Navigate to Services/Debit Orders/Manage debit orders/DebiCheck batches

  2. Click on Add DebiCheck batch

  3. Select the action date

  4. Note the cut-off times for authorisation: Monday to Friday, one clear business day prior to the action date by 23h59. Example – authorise by 23h50 on Tuesday for Thursday’s action date ( Wednesday is the clear business day).

  5. Click on Submit

  6. All DebiCheck and RMS authenticated contracts appear for selection. Note that each authenticated mandate for a specific client will appear for selection meaning that Duplicate Account References are allowed.

  7. Edit Tracking days and Amounts if required.

  8. Add selected to batch

  9. View the batch and click on the Batch list

  10. Authorise the batch

Note: The DebiCheck Authorisations screen will allow for authorising batches on sub accounts.

Viewing batch Reports

  1. Navigate to Services/Debit orders/reports/DebiCheck batch reports
  2. See a list of previously processed batches.
  1. To view successful, unsuccessful, and tracking transactions click on the printer icon.

 4. Note- Once the tracking period is  complete the DebiCheck debit order  will be displayed as either successful or unsuccessful.

5.View the DebiCheck batch detail report for additional information for the processed batch.

Note: Details of deleted batch Reports can be found under Reports/Deleted DebiCheck batch reports.


DebiCheck Reconciliation

DebiCheck transactions can be in any of 3 statuses:

  1. Successful – value credited to statement for each transaction
  2. Unsuccessful – zero value posted to statement for each transaction
  3. Tracking – zero value posted to the statement

Note: Once the tracking period has passed, only successful and unsuccessful transactions will appear on the statement. Disputes are reconciled like unpaids – as they are received, they are posted itemised to the statement.

Unpaid codes

Debicheck unpaid codes are listed on merchant site.

Services – Debit orders – Reports – Unpaid codes

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