Sage Pastel Payroll & HR
Our easy to use guide will get you up and running in no time!
Issuing and inserting service keys in Pastel Payroll & HR
Service keys allow Netcash to validate and verify data sent by Sage Pastel Payroll & HR.
Service Keys are a vital part of system security and should be treated with the utmost confidentiality. Sage Pastel Payroll and HR requires 3 service keys:
- Account service key
- Salary payments key
- Risk reports
Add an account service key
Click on Account Profile.
Select Netconnector > Account service.
Tick the active box.
Insert an email address to receive notifications.
Tick Postback URL active box.
The predefined URL dropdown menu must be set to Sage Pastel Payroll & HR.
The Statement download option is set to none.
Click on the Submit button.
The service key is generated and emailed to the email address linked to the service key.

Add a salary payments service key
Click on Account Profile.
Select Netconnector > Salary payments.
Complete the required fields.
Tick Postback URL active box.
The predefined URL dropdown menu must be set to Sage Pastel Payroll & HR (Salary Payments)
Choose from the following options: Ignore errors, Auto forward action date or Lock batch on upload. (See notes below for detail).
Select Submit.
The service key is generated and emailed to the email address linked to the service key.

Select Ignore errors if you would like Netcash to process payments to valid bank accounts and ignore invalid bank accounts. Leaving this option unticked will result in all payments rejecting if any one payment is invalid.
Auto forward action date will move your payments to the next valid action date if you have missed your cutoff time.
Lock batch on upload will not allow any editing of supplier details once the supplier batch is sent to Netcash.
Add a risk reports service key
Click on Account Profile.
Select Netconnector > Risk reports.
Complete the required fields.
The predefined URL dropdown menu must be set to
Sage Pastel Payroll & HR (Risk reports)
Select Submit.
The service key is generated and emailed to the email address linked to the service key.
Note: The risk reports key is not compulsory. Insert the risk reports key to perform bank account verifications and consumer reports within your payroll software.
How to insert the Account service key in Pastel Payroll & HR
Open your Sage Pastel Payroll HR software.
Select Utility > Sage Connected Services.
Click on the Netcash tab.
Insert the services keys copied from your Netcash account into Account Services, Risk Reports and Salary Payments.
Click OK.

Submitting salary batches in Pastel Payroll & HR
Open your Sage Pastel Payroll & HR software.
Select Process > Cheques/Bank Transfers.
Click next and select Netcash Salary Payments.

Enter a Beneficiary Reference for the payment and the action date.
Access the filter to select the employees you want to include in the salary payments batch.
Select the employees to be paid.
Click OK.
- Click Next

Please be patient while Sage Pastel Payroll & HR validates the information included in the Salary Payment batch before it is transferred to Netcash. Once the batch has been transferred, a message will display to confirm the payment has successfully been uploaded to your Netcash account.
The Salary batch may be authorised with in the payroll software via the Netcash Iframe or alternatively in your Netcash account.
At this stage Netcash login credential may be added to the Iframe and the salary batch authorised.
Click Finish.

Obtain a pre-authorisation report
login into Netcash.
Click on Payments from the dropdown menu.
Click on Salaries > Salary batches.
The list of salary batches will now be displayed.

To download your Pre-Authorisation Report, select Edit Employees on the left side of the Salary Batches table.
Click on the Download button.
Your salary batch report will be displayed on the screen. Click on the Export icon and select your preferred format to download your report.
The batch will automatically start downloading and save in your default downloads folder.

Authorising a salary batch within your Netcash account
Click on Services.
Click on payments from the dropdown menu.
Click on Salaries > Salary batches. The list of salary batches will be displayed.

Click on Authorise next to the batch that you would like to process.
The confirm batch authorisation screen is displayed. This is a summary of the salary batch including charges, notifications and choice of funding options.
– Pay against the available balance if there is sufficient credit in your Netcash account.
– Transfer funds if you need to fund the Netcash clearing account for payment
Read and accept the terms and conditions, then select Authorise.
Should you select to pay using the Available balance option you will then be re-directed to the Confirm batch authorisations screen.
Insert the One Time Pin (OTP) sent to your cell number or Google Authenticator pin.
Click OK.
Your Salary Batch is now authorised and will be scheduled to run on the selected date.
If you require additional authorises, the batch will be awaiting further authorisation – please inform the additional authorisers of this.

If you are paying using the Will Make bank transfer option, you will be prompted to insert the following information:
– The date when the transfer will be made.
– The Netcash account you will be transferring to.
– The amount to be transferred.
– The extra fields are optional for reconciliation purposes.
– Click Next.
Click on a Print Report in order to obtain details of the Netcash clearing that you need to fund.
Please ensure your transfer has the correct reference. (Your Netcash account number)
Click Authorise to confirm your bank transfer.
Insert the One Time Pin (OTP) sent to your cell number or Google Authenticator pin and click Authorise.
Your salary batch is now authorised and will be scheduled to run on the selected date.
If you require additional authorises, the batch will be awaiting further authorisation. Please inform the additional authorisers of this.
Notes: One Time Pins are session-based, which means that as long as you are logged in to your Netcash account, you can use the same OTP to authorise. Where multiple authorisations are required, only the first authoriser needs to insert the OTP.
Downloading your post-batch processing report
Click on Services.
Select Payments from the dropdown menu.
Click on Salaries > Salary batch reports.
Click on the Printer icon on the left of the batch.

- Click on the Export icon and select your preferred format to download your report.
- The batch will automatically start downloading and save in your default downloads folder.
Need more assistance?
Contact your Relationship Consultant at 0861 338 338 or email us on