WooCommerce Payment Gateway Integration
You will need:
- An active Netcash account
- The Netcash Pay Now service activated
- Netcash Pay Now Service key
- WordPress admin login credentials with Woocommerce installed
Setting up the Netconnector service key
To connect your Netcash PayNow Payment Gateway to your WooCommerce account, you will need to generate a unique service key and connect this to your WooCommerce payment settings.
The first step will be to generate the service from within your Netcash Merchant account
- Log into your Netcash account
- Click on Account Profile on the top menu.
- Select Netconnector from the left side menu.
- Click on the Pay Now menu.
- Activate the Pay Now service.
- Insert your email address.
- Click “Save” and then copy your Pay Now Service Key by clicking on the clipboard icon.

Downloading and installing the ‘Netcash WooCommerce Payment Gateway’ Plugin.
- Login to your WordPress website as admin (wp-admin folder). You can either download the plugin as a .ZIP file or you can install it directly from the Plugin directory within your site.
*See below on where you can download the plugin from our trusted sources. - If you have downloaded the .ZIP file, Click “Plugins” / “Upload”, “Browse”, and select the downloaded file. Click ‘Install’ and Activate the Plugin.
- If you are searching for the plugin directly from the WordPress plugin directory, search for ‘Netcash WooCommerce Payment Gateway’ and click on ‘Install’. Allow for a few seconds and then the button will change to allow you to click ‘Activate’.
- Once the plugin is installed, you will need to configure the Woocommerce payment settings and set up your postback URLs.

Setting Up Your Woocommerce Payment Settings
From within your WordPress dashboard, you will need to connect your Netcash Merchant account details to your Woocommerce settings.
You will need your Netcash account number and your Pay Now service key (found from section 1 above).
- Access your WordPress Dashboard and navigate to Woocommerce and click on Settings.
- Move from the ‘General’ tab to ‘Payments’
- Make sure to Enable Pay Now by clicking on the checkbox.
- Insert your Account Number and Pay Now Service Key into the required fields.
Click Save Changes.

Connecting Your Postback URLs on Netcash Merchant
From within your WordPress dashboard, under Woocommerce payment settings, you will find pre-created URLs, namely the Active, Decline and Redirect as well as the Notify URL.
- Copy these URLs and add them to your Netconnector settings.
- Navigate to your Netcash Merchant account >Netconnector > Pay Now and paste the URLs into the relevant fields:

3. The Accept, Decline and Redirect URLs will be the same. Ensure the Notify URL is correct. This is important to ensure your transaction feedback to Netcash and update the transaction and order status correctly.
It is recommended to switch on Test Mode from your ‘Netconnector’ settings within your Netcash Merchant Account, to go through a test transaction on your eCommerce store and get acquainted with the process from your customer-facing side and how a transaction will show up on the backend of the system.
Make sure deactivate Test Mode in Netcash before you begin opening up sales to your clients.
You can download the plugin in .ZIP format from the following trusted sites: