Business partners

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Our easy to use guide will get you up and running in no time!

Referring clients to Netcash

  1. Login to your Netcash account.
  2. Click on Account Profile / Rewards / Log a Lead.
  3. Click on Log a New Lead and Insert detail.

Viewing your leads logged

  1. Click on Account Profile / Rewards / Log a Lead.
  2. A list of leads previously logged will appear together with the
  3. current status.
    – Current status can be any of the following:
    – Lead – client to be contacted.
    – Active opportunity – client contacted pending decision.
    – Inactive opportunity – client not interested.
    – Busy registering – client completing the online registration.
    – Registration verification – Netcash confirming registration detail.
    – Active Pending – account active, no transactions processed.
    – Active – the client is processing transactions.

Viewing your rebates

  1. Click on Account Profile / Rewards / Rebates.
  2. All clients that have transacted in the rebate period will be listed.
  3. The Activation date, Months earned, and Rebate total are listed.
  4. Note that rebates can be earned for a maximum of 24 months from the activation date.
  5. By clicking on the pencil to the left of the account number a rebate statement can be downloaded.
Top tip: The more services your client utilises, the more rebates you are paid. The sooner they use the service, the longer the period for which the rebates are paid. Let’s get them transacting!

How to view Rebate History

  1. Click on Account Profile / Rewards / Rebate history.
  2. Select the month required from the dropdown box.
  3. Click on Submit.
  4. A list of all rebates per client will be displayed. Click on
  5. Download in order to obtain a printable report.

Calculating potential rebates

  1. Click on Account Profile / Rewards / Rebate calculator.
  2. Insert transaction volumes and months duration for each service.
  3. Click on Calculate.
  4. Monthly and total potential rebates for the durations are displayed.

Netcash statement

The total value of all rebates earned in a month will be credited to your Netcash account within 7 days of the following month. The payment will reflect as a credit in the retention month section of the statement.

Release funds to your bank account by going to Services /
Account service / Manage / Release funds.

Need more assistance?
Contact your Relationship Consultant on 0861 338 338 or email us on
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