Import – Netcash statement for Sage Accounting (Business Cloud)

Estimated reading: 1 minute 149 views
  1. Login to Netcash –
  2. Click on Services – Account – Reports – Statement Download
  3. Select the date range and click on CSV

The statement will save to the Downloads folder on the pc and can be uploaded to Sage Business Cloud Accounting.

  1. Log into Sage Business Cloud Accounting
  2. Click on the following tabs – Banking > Transactions > Banking
  3. Select Netcash from the drop-down menu under bank or credit card and then click on the import bank statements tab
  • Import file type – Netcash CSV
  • Browse for the statement in the Downloads folder and select it
  • Date range as displayed
  • Then Click on the import file
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Import – Netcash statement for Sage Accounting (Business Cloud)

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